Kyyjärven verkkolehti | toukokuu 2010
EtusivuPääkirjoitusTapahtumatNettiradioNetti-tv1InfoPalauteYritykset ja palvelutIn English

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Metsäkartano here 3

26.5.2010 Kaisa Tamminen and pupils

Today we had to write our diary in English.

I woke up early and I was little tired. I ate on breakfast rice flakes, corn flakes with milk and yoghurt. And then I ate bread with meat. It was good.

The weather was cold and windy in the morning.

Nine a clock we divided two group. The girls went first to paddle and the boys went to cycle. That took two hours.

Then we had the lunch. We had rice and chicken sauce. It was so delicious.

Then we changed groups. Both groups cycled about 10,5 km. The road was a little muddy. Cycling was funny, but hard and the hills were high. Paddling was very easy and interesting. The water was cold and wet.

In afternoon we went to play golf in forest. There were nine holes and eight teams. Anni and Veeti were winners.

Everybody was hungry. Dinner was ok, we had “hamtemptation” and salad.

After dinner we went to sauna. It was very hot.